Original Airdate 12/16/07
Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer
Dale Gribble notices one of his fancy baskets is missing from his collection. He finds the missing basket full of bills, on the kitchen table, while his wife Nancy is trying to make ends meet. Turns out the Gribbles are having some financial troubles since the extermination business is slow this time of year.
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King of the Hill
Original Airdate 12/16/07
Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer
Dale Gribble notices one of his fancy baskets is missing from his collection. He finds the missing basket full of bills, on the kitchen table, while his wife Nancy is trying to make ends meet. Turns out the Gribbles are having some financial troubles since the extermination business is slow this time of year.
Nancy goes next door to seek the advice of Peggy Hill, who just so happens has a perfect solution. She wants to send Dale on a vocation vacation where can learn a new trade. Hank reluctantly agrees to accompany him but only because he thinks he can work a cool job like race car pit crew, fishing guide or brew master.
Out in the alley, Bill has taken to wearing a ten gallon cowboy hat which Kahn gets a real kick out of.
On the way to their vocation vacation, Dale lets slip that he signed Hank and himself up for basket weaving. Hank is furious, but this has been Dale’s lifelong dream. He’s a basket fanatic.
They show up at the basket factory and meet the other vocation vacationers. They’re all weirdow who go from vocation to vocation trying everything. Then the basket weaving instruction begins and of course, Dale is terrible and Hank, who doesn’t even want to be there, is fantastic at basket weaving. Hank didn’t know there would be so many tools involved.
Back in the alley, Kahn is taking out his trash when a gust of wind blows Bill’s hat onto his head. Everyone freaks out and they want re-enact the hat blow so they can get it on youtube.
Back at the basket factory, there’s a major crisis when a bunch of workers call in sick and Hank gets called from the minor leagues up to the big show to weave his magic. Dale is relegated to sweeping up, since his baskets are terrible.
Dale is jealous, of course, and tries to kill Hank with a forklift, but he’s not able to do it.
Back home Peggy has taken the directing chores and the gang watch her video of Bill’s hat “flying” onto Kahn’s head. It’s really just Peggy behind the fence with a stick moving the hat around and Kahn is angry. The video gets four hits and they think they’ve made a viral video. They start waiting for the parody video.
Hank is finished with his baskets and he’s ready to leave, but not before he helps Dale regain his self-respect. He and the manager of the basket factory plan a fake infestation of the dreaded bamboo boring beetle. Dale jumps into action and sprays the place down. He even interests a few of the vocation vacationers in trying exterminating and soon Dale’s Dead Bug is a fixture of the vocation vacation brochure.