NBC gave us two episodes this week.
They showed us "Michael's Birthday" from season 2.
As well as "Back from Vacation" from this season.
We will review "Michael's Birthday" this week as we've already covered "Back From Vacation" this year. If you want to read the Conference Room for this episode, it's OVER HERE.
Now that the Conference Room is back from vacation...
Everyone in the Conference Room - NOW!

Office Site: TheTwoCents.com
Review: A cold opening of a pyramid scheme, perfection for suckers like Michael Scott! I think this episode really showcased what lies within Michael. And that's the NEED to be the center of attention. He buys his own birthday lunch (bologna, tomato and ketchup - BLECH!), brings in a big poster of himself for everyone to sign, throws himself a party at an ice rink and brings in donuts for himself. THEN we find out Kevin has a cancer scare and Michael (after sulking about losing attention) turns that about him too by making his own LiveStrong bracelet out of construction paper. All of this, some GREAT Jim and Pam moments while out shopping, some rare compassion from Angela, Dwight's knowledge of exactly what time Michael "exited' his mother, and of course learning that Michael's favorite song is "For The Longest Time" by William Joel (nice choice!). It was a nice episode but the JAM stuff raised it considerably.
Favorite Moment: Ryan's face AFTER my favorite quote.
Favorite Quote: Dwight: Hell, yeah. Save room for ice cream cake.
Angela: [grabs cake] Oh. Thank you.
Dwight: Oh. I got it.
Angela: What are--- it's... the party planning committee.
Dwight: [whispering] This is the most important day of the year. I can't risk anything.
Angela: Fine.
Dwight: What about that meeting... later... to discuss finances?
Angela: Yes... [whispering] but don't expect any cookie.
Dwight: [whispering] But what if I'm hungry?
Angela: [whispering] No cookie.
Overall Episode Grade: B
Top 3 All-Time Kevin Moments:- Rocking it in Scrantonicity (Both the video and at Phyllis and Bob's wedding)
- His pride in saying "I won the 2002 $2,500 No-Limit Deuce-to-Seven-Draw Tournament at the World Series of Poker in Vegas. So, yeah... I'm pretty good at poker." And then losing to Phyllis and saying "I suck".
- Being locked in Michael's office with "The Surprise" on Michael's carpet.

Office Site: Flonkerton
Review: I don't know if it's because our last two conference rooms were about the very pivotal Casino Night and Booze Cruise, but watching Michael's Birthday again tonight left me a little underwhelmed. It's a solid episode, mostly focused on Michael's unrelenting need for attention, even when more important matters come up, like the possibility of Kevin having skin cancer. But at the same time, nothing about this episode really stands out to me; there no great line or scene that I'm just waiting to hear/see. So I guess my feelings for this episode are similar to how Dwight feels about Michael's breath; good not great.
Favorite Moment: Most, if not all, of the ice-rink scenes.
Favorite Quote: Dwight: What about that meeting... later... to discuss
Angela: Yes... but don't expect any cookie.
Dwight: But what if I'm hungry?
Angela: No cookie.
Overall Episode Grade: B
Top 3 All-Time Kevin Moments:
1. Kevin gives Jim the "head up" that Roy might beat Jim up (and Kevin's subsequent reaction to watching Roy talk to Jim) in "Boys and Girls".
2. Kevin demonstrates his game of "Who can put the most M&Ms in their mouth" in "Office Olympics."
3. Kevin making his "Pam vs. Karen" list in "The Job"

Office Site: MTT
Review: I would say this is more of a moments episode than an actual story. When you rewatch it, there's definitely these little pieces that you think "Oh, right, that was this episode." The cookie conversation, the ticking time bags, the 69 Cup o Noodles and fabric softener. I just find it interesting that there are so many of these little things and yet, this isn't always thought of as one of the best episodes of the series for me. On the Jam front, I love the Season Two Jam when something serious happens and you can genuinely see how much these two -- especially Jim -- care about everyone in the office and not just making googly eyes at each other. It happens in The Injury with Dwight, and it happens here with Kevin's scare. Plus, who else would think of buying Night Swept for Michael even after all the wackiness he pulls?
Favorite Moment: Ryan's bewildered non-talking head in response to hearing Dwight and Angela's "cookie" conversation.
Favorite Quote: Michael: Hey Pam, all the stuff with Kevin, it's pretty scary and I'm thinking that the next time you're in the shower you should check yourself out. You know, give yourself an exam. Those things are like ticking time bags.
Overall Episode Grade: B
Top 3 All-Time Kevin Moments:
1. Making a salad with a shredder
2. Helping Jim choose between Karen and Pam
3. "You Oughta Know" karaoke
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