Thursday, April 12, 2007

Talk About... LOST (4/11/07)

Jack is BACK!

Yeah, ok, I used that for 24 too, but this time I mean, Jack from LOST and he's back to the island with everyone! Happy Reunion! Or is it?

What did you think about this episode and do we FINALLY know who Juliet really is? Head over to comments and share!

One of Us
Original Airdate: Wednesday April 11, 2007
Jacks joyous reunion with his fellow survivors is cut short when they realize that accompanying him is one of The Others, and Claire is stricken by a mysterious, life-threatening illness.

1 comment:

  1. Television With Pity's Recap

    By , TWOP

    It's an awkward and uncomfortable reunion on the Beach when Kate and Sayid bring Jack back to camp. Probably because Jack insisted that they bring Juliet with them. He has anointed her as his bestest and most trusted friend, and no one can make her feel bad about torturing them or plotting their demise or generally being an active member of the Others. That doesn't mean they have to like her though! Except Hurley. He has to. It's in his contract or something. Juliet doesn't make it easy, though, what with confessing to having masterminded the attacks on Claire, creating a serum that is causing a deathlike reaction in Claire, and admitting that there is a "problem" on the Island that kills pregnant women. Oh yes, Juliet is popular at Camp Lostaway. But that all changes when she saves Claire's life.

    While Sayid and Sawyer don't trust Juliet even a little, you, as the lucky viewer of magic flashbacks, know that she has had a rough time since she got on the Island. Not only did she have to sleep with Goodwin (ugh!) and hang around with Creepy Ethan (double ugh!), but she was on the receiving end of many of Ben's fun head games! He told her she would be on the Island for six months but kept her for over three years. He said her sister was dead and then showed her a video of her sister alive and well and playing with her very own little boy! Super Evil!

    But Sayid and Sawyer may be on to something, because as soon as we start to feel bad for Juliet, we find out that she wasn't so much left behind as planted. And that illness that Claire has? Caused by remote control implant. Her saving of Claire? Totally planned. Geez. Does anyone know if mind***** has a hyphen?


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