Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How I Met Your Mother – Recap & Review – Mosbius Designs

How I Met Your Mother
Mosbius Designs

Original Air Date: April 14, 2009

Rachel – Sr. Managing Editor

Ted’s new firm, Mosbius Designs, has great potential… if only Ted can make that first phone call. And then there is Barney and Marshall… trying to avoid layoffs by becoming indispensable. Oh, yeah: and Barney is still in love with Robin. Too bad he offended his only confidant, Lily, and she isn’t speaking to him.

PS – Congrats to Alyson Hannigan and her new bundle of joy!

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[photo: CBS.com]

1 comment:

  1. TwoCents TwoLine RecapTed tries to set up his own design firm in the apartment, but is crippled by fear of failure. Meanwhile, Marshall struggles to avoid layoffs by becoming Sports Guy at GNB.

    TwoCents TwoFavorite Moments1. Marshall and Barney’s discussion of the “things’ employees of GNB have to make them more essential, like Food Guy and Toy Guy.
    2. Barney’s freak out when he discovers that Ted’s new assistant, PJ, is a guy. Then his subsequent freak-out when he discovers Robin is sleeping with PJ.

    TwoCents TwoFavorite Quotes
    1. “And we didn’t see Lily for four weeks.” –Old Ted after Barney said Lily would be back after he told her the dirtiest joke ever uttered and she told him she couldn’t hang out anymore.
    2. “Let’s be clear: I don’t love her, OK? I just… miss her when she’s not around, I think about her all the time, and I imagine us one day running to each other in slow-motion and I’m wearing a brown suede vest.” –Barney after telling Marshall about his feelings for Robin.

    What do YOU think? Will Barney and Robin EVER get together? Do you have a “thing” that makes you indispensable? Give us your Two Cents… We’ll use it on some of Marshall’s Fantasy Baseball.


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