Tuesday, March 3, 2009

24 - Recap & Review - Day 7: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Day 7: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Original Air Date: March 2, 2009

Jeff P. – Sr. Staff Writer

When last we left our favorite real time show, Senator Mayer’s assistant and traitorous bad guy Burnett received a text message saying that the units were in place for the operation. In tonight’s special two-hour bonanza, I expect we’ll be finding out just how much trouble we’re in.

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[photo: FOX]

1 comment:

  1. 24
    Day 7: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

    Original Air Date: March 2, 2009

    Jeff P. – Sr. Staff Writer

    When last we left our favorite real time show, Senator Mayer’s assistant and traitorous bad guy Burnett received a text message saying that the units were in place for the operation. In tonight’s special two-hour bonanza, I expect we’ll be finding out just how much trouble we’re in.

    The first of tonight’s double-header starts off swinging with Dubaku in the ICU. An assassin disguised as an orderly sticks him with a needle and he starts to seize. Then we move over to the White House where President Taylor is annoyed at a video of General Juma declaring victory; these being an issue since the U.S. has already destroyed his palace and that his troops are on the run. But then we see exactly where Juma is… standing across from the Lincoln Memorial! A man comes up behind Juma telling him that the troops are scared, but ready to go. Then he asks him about his father, who happens to be Dubaku. And we know exactly how HE is right now. And just to make it official, the ICU doctor pronounces Dubaku dead by a massive heart attack.


    While Larry is briefing the FBI, Jack calls in to Chloe and briefs her on the new attack. He tells her that he wants Burnett’s name deleted from the file so that he can’t “lawyer up” when the FBI get to him. He wants to question him first. She does this right before Janis comes in to see her. Jack then heads into the White house to confront Burnett on his own. Elsewhere, Ethan sits down with Senator Mayer to try to convince him of Jack’s altruistic behavior and what he did to save the day earlier. He tells Mayer that the President will vote for Mayer’s amendment to his war crime bill if he looks the other way with Jack. But Mayer refuses, admitting he’s wanted to bring down Jack for years.
    Jack walks into see Bill, then pulls a gun out on him. This is obviously to make sure that it’s known that Bill isn’t tied into any of what is planned for Burnett. He tells Bill what he’s doing and why he’s doing it, then knocks Bill out and moves out to find Burnett.


    Renee tells Larry that she saw the suspicious orderly and would like to investigate. Janis finds the discrepancy where Chloe deleted Burnett’s name but Chloe holds her off for the time being. Back at the White House Jack makes his way into the office where Burnett is and tazes him. It looks like it’s time for a little Q & A with traitor-boy.


    Janis visits Larry and tells him about the deleted name. She also has located the recorded phone call between Chloe and Jack. Larry has Chloe detained by security soon after. At the White House, President Taylor tells Mayer that her views on his amendment have changed due to the events in the last few hours. But Mayer still maintains that Jack does not deserve a pass for his past behaviors. At that moment, Larry calls in and tells them that he believes that Jack is interrogating Burnett illegally as they speak. And he sure is! Back at the office Jack is zapping Burnett over and over with the taser gun. After some harsh coercing, Burnett finally gives up that there will be an attack. Before he can get the whereabouts, President Taylor calls in and orders Jack to stand down. He tries to tell her of the attack but she still wants him to stop. He tells her no in a simple way, by zapping the phone with the taser. The door blows in and the torturing is stopped. Mayer tells Jack he’s finished and Jack calls Mayer “weak” because of his stance on interrogation of terrorists. Ethan tells the President quietly that Jack is probably right about the attack and that these particular terrorists will never stop their effort to attack the United States. President Taylor puts Jack under arrest, and tells him she wishes that he approached her with this issue first. He asked her if it would have made a difference. Mayer tells the President that he wanted to question Burnett because he knows him, and she replies, “Apparently you don’t”.


    President Taylor approaches Burnett and tells him that he’ll be arrested for treason. He demands his right to counsel as expected. She offers him immunity from his crimes in exchange for information of the attack. Even after threatening the death penalty he still calls for his right to an attorney. Meanwhile, Renee locates where the terrorists are and Larry plans to take a copter with backup to meet her. Renee tells Larry that she believes that she saw Juma himself. She follows Juma’s group as they get onto a boat, then jumps on the back of the boat as it launches!


    Janis is trying to locate Renee after her cell signal went dead. It’s tough to get a signal in the middle of the Potomac, of course. Juma’s group puts on scuba gear and starts their dive. Renee sneaks in the front of the boat to see if she can find out what they’re up to. And then, she finds the target… the White House! Dubaku’s son Youssou spots her and gives chase. She dives in the water as he shoots at her. She swims to shore and he follows her on a small motorboat. Just then, Juma’s crew start drilling, most likely underneath the White House.

    Wow. So the show finally gives you a breath of air after last week wrapping up the Dubaku business, only to start right up again. Jack is being vintage Jack now, doing anything it takes to prevent terrorism against the country. And this same intensity must have rubbed off on Renee. I want to say her diving after the boat may be my favorite moment of this episode. And President Taylor is really starting to show her teeth. I think that Cherry Jones is bringing that character up as strong as Dennis Haysbert did with President Palmer. I’m liking her a lot. So what was your favorite part of the episode? Where does President Taylor stand on your list of this show’s Presidents? And how cool is Renee? Your two cents is always appreciated.


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