Monday, February 9, 2009

Desperate Housewives - Recap & Review - Mama Spent Money When She Had None

Desperate Housewives
Mama Spent Money When She Had None

Original Air Date: Feb 8, 2009

TwoCents Staff Writer- Karen

The housewives are back and Wisteria Lane is still where I want to live. All I can say is that I want Gabby and Susan to be my neighbors…can you imagine!? So anyways, here is a quick idea of what happened this week...

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1 comment:

  1. The housewives are back and Wisteria Lane is still where I want to live. All I can say is that I want Gabby and Susan to be my neighbors…can you imagine!?
    So anyways, here is a quick idea of what happened this week:

    Catherine & Susan:
    Susan’s son M.J. is accepted to a private school (expensive). She tries to get Mike to give her more money for it, but he has none. She finds out he bought a pearl necklace for Catherine, and steals it…only to find out it was a fake. Susan begs the school for a job to help pay for M.J.’s schooling (staff pays half).

    Edie & Gabby:
    Carlos tells Gabby all the credit cards are paid off. She is glad she is rich again, but she wants to fit in a glamorous dress and joins Edie’s “boot camp” class. She whines about the work she has to do and wants to quit. Edie gives her a pep talk saying she liked to “poor Gabby” better (less snobby). Gabby continues the class and fits in the dress…quite nicely!

    Bree & Lynette:
    Tom sells his vintage car, because they need money. Bree, who has lots of money from her book, offers $20,000 to Lynette. She accepts and gives Bree 15% of the pizza place. Of course Bree tries to take over the cooking part…..they argue…..the money is given back to Bree.

    Gay Guys:
    The gay guys know that “crazy Dave” is the one that tipped the cops off that Porter was involved with the fires (which he wasn’t). They want to know why. Especially when being so chummy with Tom. So Lee tells Tom what Dave did. Tom punches Dave! Dave is pissed! Uh oh!

    What did you think? Give me your 2 cents


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