“Got the Babysitter Pregnant”
Original Air Date: Jan 8th, 2009
Laura Kelley - TwoCents Reviewer
My Name is Earl kicked the new year off with a really good episode, my favorite of the season so far. I had a feeling this one would be a winner when I read the title, and my instincts did not desert me. The item on Earl’s list that he’s trying to make up for this week was a doozy: he once poked holes in a bunch of condoms to get back at the guy who was sleeping with a babysitter that Earl had a crush on. Of course, she got pregnant. Now that’s a mistake that should be a good deal harder to make up for than most of the ones on Earl’s list.
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[photo: NBC]
My Name is Earl
ReplyDelete“Got the Babysitter Pregnant”
Original Air Date: Jan 8th, 2009
Laura Kelley - TwoCents Reviewer
My Name is Earl kicked the new year off with a really good episode, my favorite of the season so far. I had a feeling this one would be a winner when I read the title, and my instincts did not desert me. The item on Earl’s list that he’s trying to make up for this week was a doozy: he once poked holes in a bunch of condoms to get back at the guy who was sleeping with a babysitter that Earl had a crush on. Of course, she got pregnant. Now that’s a mistake that should be a good deal harder to make up for than most of the ones on Earl’s list.
The episode starts off with good news: Catalina is thrilled that her stalker has been hit by a bus, Joy is still the hottest mom in the trailer park (not exactly a feat), and a woman comes into the bar announcing that she’s not pregnant. This reminds Earl of the babysitter’s accidental pregnancy. Earl met the babysitter, Rachel, because his parents went out for square dance night. Right before Earl was going to make his move, Earl meets Rachel’s boyfriend. He pokes holes in his condoms, and poor Rachel has to “look on the bright side: she’s already a good babysitter.”
Meanwhile, Joy has a problem of her own to solve: on her way to bring Darnell his turtle for a steam bath in the Crab Shack dishwasher, the turtle falls off the roof of her car. For accuracy’s sake, I’d like to point out that Mr. Turtle appears to be a tortoise. This storyline was what got me the most, because I am now the proud owner of a hatchling tortoise, and to leave one on the roof of a car is just wrong, because those things are very expensive. While Joy goes to deal with the loss of Mr. Turtle, Earl goes to see Rachel, who he finds has married her boyfriend and is very happy. It turns out that their son is unemployed, living at home and walking around in his underwear.
Catalina helps Joy choose a new turtle to play the part of Mr. Turtle, and she bases her decision on which one reminds her most of Richard Dreyfuss. Joy gives Catalina the extra turtle, while Earl decides he will help make Ronnie, the loser son, into a man. Earl gives Ronnie three days to get a job. Joy takes a “more loving approach” to getting the new turtle to move, while Ronnie gets kicked out of the motel and gets a homeless woman to cook for him. Randy gets mad when Earl tells off Ronnie, because all Earl’s criticisms of Ronnie are true of Randy too. Randy decides to go live on his own, and lets Ronnie be his Randy. Joy goes to the motel pool to get the other turtle, who is presumably with a Shetland pony.
While Earl and Ronnie’s parents search for Ronnie and Randy, Joy returns home to find Darnell burying the fake Mr. Turtle (who we learn is Jewish.) Darnell is thrilled when Joy tells him the truth. Randy and Ronnie return to Rachel’s house, and it turns out they did pretty well. After they had left the motel, Randy tells Ronnie his job is to “watch out for aliens and birds, because that’s what the #2 does.” The boys get free suits from a thrift store, and they follow other guys in suits. It turns out they were the hit of the flange convention, and they won a golf cart in a dance contest. Ronnie decides to go back to school, and Mr. Turtle starts making his way home. This episode was hilarious, because Randy and turtles are both awesome. This was my favorite episode of the season by far. Leave your two cents in the comments below, and please do not put turtles in your dishwasher.
who played 'homeless mom'????? drivin me nuts