“Wish You Were Here”
Original Air Date: Jan 08, 2009
Thomas Nikl – TwoCents Reviewer
Happy New Year, Grey’s fans!! It’s good to be back after a month’s worth of no new episodes. Hopefully ABC made a New Year resolution to either kick crazy Izzie off the show or at least make her sane again. Let’s get started shall we?
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[photo: ABC]
Grey’s Anatomy
ReplyDelete“Wish You Were Here”
Original Airdate: Jan 08, 2009
Thomas Nikl – TwoCents Reviewer
Happy New Year, Grey’s fans!! It’s good to be back after a month’s worth of no new episodes. Hopefully ABC made a New Year resolution to either kick crazy Izzie off the show or at least make her sane again. Let’s get started shall we?
The Notorious Mr. Dunn
The Chief gathers the team for a patient who is arriving. Mr. Dunn, as we find out, is a prisoner who is on Death Row. Evidently, Mr. Dunn has a shank stuck in his spinal cord. He’s also supposed to be executed in a week and is fresh out of appeals but believes if he is paralyzed maybe he’ll not be executed. He asks Derek to let him be a gimp, but Derek declines. I think Derek hates this guy.
Yang ends up asking what he did to get on Death Row. He explains he slit a woman’s throat. He had hoped that he would feel some kind of emotion as a result but apparently he just enjoyed it. So he did it a few more times. And a few more times. Suddenly Meredith isn’t so thrilled about Mr. Dunn.
His surgery commences. Derek removes the shank (it’s apparently a very sharp melted down toothbrush).Outside Mr. Dunn’s OR Sadie reminds Meredith that they both had a fight like Meredith and Yang once (in Amsterdam- one of this reviewers favorite cities!!) and that they never recovered. And that Meredith should make amends or things will never be the same.
Dr. Sloan and Little Grey
Little Grey says a peachy hello to Sloan and he inquires what exactly she’s doing. Sloan explains that Derek made one simple request (that he not get nasty with Little Grey) and that he- obviously- broke that request by getting nasty with Little Grey. He throws out a little gem though: “it was fantastic. You’re fantastic. But it’s not going to happen again- ever.”
As my readers may know I have quite the crush on Little Grey and I’ve been lovvvvvvvving living vicariously through Sloan so he BETTER NOT SCREW THIS UP FOR ME!!!
You know, I have to admit, for someone as smooth as Sloan, he’s not very good at keeping secrets. A thirteen second conversation between Sloan, Little Grey and Callie and Callie figures it out instantly. Come on, Sloan, you’re better than this- bring your A game! He denies it at first then comes clean and busts out another gem about Little Grey: “Mind blowingly fantastic as it was.”
Just as soon as Callie is done lecturing Sloan on professionalism the crazy Sadie comes by and Callie begins stuttering like a prepubescent girl with a crush. Awesome.
Callie and Sloan try to take their minds off the interns whom they are infatuated with. It’s not working so well. But they decide to be sponsors for each other to try and beat the urges as a team! But, at the bar, Sloan decides that life is too short and says “Sorry Callie- I’m going to Denver” (don’t worry, readers, you’ll get it later in the recap).
Young Jackson Prescott
We meet a young lad that has apparently had twelve (TWELVE?!) bowel resections. Miranda explains to Alex that Jackson’s mom is a single mom who works her bum off for health insurance and that this family is a special family.
Jackson is bantering with his doctor, Dr. Kinley, when he keels over. That can’t be good way to start the New Year! We find out shortly (after the commercial) that Dr. Kinley had a massive coronary and died instantly.
We meet Dr. Kinley’s replacement. She’s… got a lot of energy. And she uses those idiotic shoes with the wheels on them. The ones you see kids darting around on. Man I love seeing kids eat pavement on those things. Err, this reviewer apologizes for the tangent.
Oh, great. Earlier in the episode Jackson was trying to get Karev to sign the Make a Wish Foundation form. He wouldn’t (as Jackson is not dying). And then Izzie goes strolling by. Gee, I wonder if she’ll sign it. Ugh. IZZIE!?! Oh, wow, Karev comes in and catches Jackson in the scam act and puts a stop to the shenanigans.
The new doctor on wheels is pretty bummed during the surgery when she sees how torn up Jackson is inside. Oh, the new doctor’s name is Arizona. Random. She insists that he be put on the transplant list and after Miranda second guesses her (again) Arizona kind of gives her a cool mini lecture.
Miranda finally agrees to the transplant suggestion. After explaining the situation (to Jackson) Karev signs the Make a Wish Foundation form.
More Ghost Denny ughhhhhh
Yeah, he’s back. Time to start writing letters to ABC. Izzie wants to tell Alex about Ghost Denny. Ghost Denny not happy. Blah blah blah.
Izzie tells Alex. He doesn’t seem to care. Tells Izzie to say hi to Denny for him. LOL.
The super hot Mrs. Ari Gould (from Entourage)Margaret comes in for some help with a broken hip. As it turns out this is the sixth bone she’s broken and we find out she’s also got a small tumor! This tumor has apparently been leaching the calcium from her bones which is why they keep breaking.
Ok, it’s surgery time. Things went well. She’s going to Denver to be with the man she loves and misses.