Will I miss the show? Of course. The first season raised the stakes for any suspense show by giving cliffhangers at practically every commercial break. Michael was always one step ahead until they had the sense to introduce Mahone. Even last year’s Sona episodes added to the mystique by adding more interesting characters to the mix. Just when you think it’s overloaded, they bring in a Gretchen or a Don Self to make you wonder what their stories are. Even the redemption storylines worked well…Abruzzi, Bellick, Mahone, maybe Bagwell…Bad guys turned into good guys, but not without a reason and a price.
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Prison Break will not be renewed. Fox made the sad announcement this morning that the upcoming 6 episodes would be the last. When they air in April, there will definitely be mixed feelings on my part.
ReplyDeleteWill I miss the show? Of course. The first season raised the stakes for any suspense show by giving cliffhangers at practically every commercial break. Michael was always one step ahead until they had the sense to introduce Mahone. Even last year’s Sona episodes added to the mystique by adding more interesting characters to the mix. Just when you think it’s overloaded, they bring in a Gretchen or a Don Self to make you wonder what their stories are. Even the redemption storylines worked well…Abruzzi, Bellick, Mahone, maybe Bagwell…Bad guys turned into good guys, but not without a reason and a price.
I guess it’s a blessing that Fox will let it run its course. They are emphatic about the difference between cancellation and non-renewal. Drive was cancelled after one episode, and never got the chance to tell even a portion of its story. We all know what happened to Firefly, and what may be happening to Dollhouse as we speak. So while the network may not have learned from its mistakes, at least Prison Break can go out on its own terms.
The show was also akin to a cat with nine lives. How many times could it reinvent itself? The creators did a lot to keep it moving from season one to season two, and managed to create entirely new stories for three and four. But was there more gas left in that tank? Maybe this is a blessing.
However, The Shield just gave such a great example of how to close out a show’s run. It’s an easier thing to do if you know that going into the first episode. But maybe they did. Maybe there were no illusions of a season five. Ah well…I’ll be waiting in April.
So that’s my two cents…Let’s hear what you have to say!
Tom R - TwoCents Staff Writer