Original Air Date: Jan 15, 2009
Karen - TwoCents Staff Writer
"What turns upstanding citizens into violent criminals?" That is the $10,000.00 question asked by our lovely Jacob Hood. The episode starts out with Greg Filmore going ballistic on another customer because he was mad Filmore was in the express lane with more than 10 items. Filmore goes off and starts beating him up. I guess I will be more patient in the grocery store than I usually am....ya never know.
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[photo: CBS]
Eleventh Hour
Original Air Date: Jan 15, 2009
Karen - TwoCents Staff Writer
"What turns upstanding citizens into violent criminals?" That is the $10,000.00 question asked by our lovely Jacob Hood. The episode starts out with Greg Filmore going ballistic on another customer because he was mad Filmore was in the express lane with more than 10 items. Filmore goes off and starts beating him up. I guess I will be more patient in the grocery store than I usually am....ya never know.
Now let me just say there is a short scene where Rachel is showing Hood how to shoot. He is closing his eyes while pulling the trigger. He hits the cardboard poodle, several times...."who doesn't hate a poodle"says Hood.Love it! That's when Rachel gets the call.
They head for Austin Texas where some folks are having violent behavior, when there was no record of violence or drug abuse amongst them. Hood and Rachel visit Filmore in jail and have a report that he had a drug problem before. He admits he did , but has been clean for 18 months and has a family he stays clean for. Rachel doesn't really believe him and neither does his wife who wants him to stay away from her and there son.
Meanwhile, there are some guys working on the water lines and replacing pressure gauges in the neighborhood that Filmore's wife and son live in.
Strickland, who is the guy who called Hood and is helping in the investigation, comes by to give them some test results, and starts going crazy right in front of them. Saying that he is hearing voices, he jumps back into his Jeep and crashes and dies. Jacob and Rachel wonder what the heck is going on!?
Jacob and Rachel check Stickland's apartment and think the problem is a mosquito repellant, "Sun & Shoo". They ask the store to pull it off the shelf. They then check reciepts of who bought the repelant since it arrived. They also realize those same customers bought bottled water.
Hood gets Filmore released as long as he gets regular drug tests.
They go to "Travis Springs" to check the water operation plant. He gets his water from the county reservoir. There has been a "chlorine burn" that's gone through the pipes lately, so they check that out as a lead. Hood takes samples of the water.
While checking the samples in his hotel room, Hood decides to take a shower. While in the shower, Jacob starts hearing voices and feeling very "funny". He starts hallucinating and things start crashing. Rachel hears the noises and runs over to Hoods room.She finds him swinging a chair around and acting crazy. She finally gets him to calm down and Jacob collapses . He awakes with Rachel sitting next to his bed. She explains whatever was in his system, passed through. Rachel explains that it wasn't the bottled water and it is not from the reservoir. So the water is going bad between the reservoir and the homes.
Filmore, released from jail goes home to wife Ashley. She doesn't believe he is clean, even though he explains his outburst wasn't his fault. As he leaves, he is kidnapped.
Hood feels the logical explanation is there is a hallucinogenic in the system. He tests a piece of tubing he found, and finds PCP in the pipe plastic. When the chlorine burn went through the pipe, it released the PCP, but it was altered enough that it tricked the drug tests.
Poor Filmore is getting beaten up by the kidnappers, who happen to be the same guys who were working on digging up the pips around the house. They want the rest of pallets of piping that is missing. Filmore has no idea what they are talking about.
Jacob and Rachel realize the drug dealers are wanting their merchandise back. The pipes were stamped "Kingston", Filmores Company. So they head for Kingston Plumbing. Rachel sneaks into Kingston building and asks Jacob to stay in the car. Yea, right! As she stakes out the building, Jacob surprises her. He lights a bucket of chlorine, that lets off a smoke that has everyone coughing. He does his "McGyver-thing" and gets Filmore out of the building.
Hood and Rachel explained to Filmores wife that he wasn't responsible. Rachel admits she was wrong about Filmore. They tracked down the last 4 pallets of piping, all is well again.
Good episode in my opinion. I was glad to see Hood act a bit out of his usual character when he was going nutso!
What did you think? Leave me your 2pennies worth in the comments.
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