Phoenix Auditions
Original Air Date: Jan 13, 2009
PMB - TwoCents Reviewer
Did it surprise anyone that the first episode of the eighth season of American Idol started out with a poor deluded soul talking to the camera about how he was going to be a big star? Then he crashed and burned.
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[photo: FOX]
American Idol
ReplyDeletePhoenix Auditions
Original Air Date: Jan 13, 2009
PMB - TwoCents Reviewer
Did it surprise anyone that the first episode of the eighth season of American Idol started out with a poor deluded soul talking to the camera about how he was going to be a big star? Then he crashed and burned.
Welcome Tuan Nguyen to your moment of infamy! And pseudo rocker Randy Madden (who had never sang before the audition) and poor Micahel Gurr (who sounded so constipated that the words were illegible).
Of course, the auditions were heavy on those who had no chance of making it to Hollywood, or even the to sing at Denny’s down the road. But here are a few observations from the night.
• Is it 16 now the age mandatory to audition? At least half of the contestants who got a golden ticket were 16. Take the delightful Arianna Afsar, who skipped the Disney/Selena Gomez route to go straight for fame without mouse ears. The judges rightly didn’t go for the way too cutesy Lea Marie Golde, in her pink cowboy outfit, but did embrace 16-year-old Stevie Wright, whose voice may live up to her namesake, Stevie Nicks.
• Can you believe that all four judges agreed almost every time? Maybe new judge Kara DioGuardi really is changing the show (there were only three split votes shown).
• Many contestants use gimmicks to get their audition broadcasted, but someone should tell X-Ray (AKA Aundre Caraway) that you don’t need gimmicks if you actually have a voice. But then, it helped model Katrina Parrell’s OK voice when she arrived in a string bikini (Randy and Simon voted yes! She is so fodder for Hollywood week. We’ll see her again — very briefly — just so they can show her audition clip in the bikini again).
• What’s with telling contestants they don’t look like their voices? Oil rigger Michael Sarver and 17-year-old Alex Wagner-Trugman both got called on that, but they still got through.
• Stand-outs included pink-coifed, tattoo covered Emily Wynne-Hughes, Elijah Scarlett, Deanna Brown (reminiscent of last year’s soulful nurse Amanda Overmyer, only better) and 17-year-old Cody Sheldon, a Danny Noriega clone. The best was saved for last, Scott MacIntyre, whose smooth voice is something to look forward. He’s almost blind, which the producers played up almost as the girl in the bikini. But Scott actually showed his worth.
My biggest quibble of the night came with Brianna Quijada, whom Simon said had gotten in the doors on her personality, not because she had a great voice. Brianna pleaded and sang more and got in — with a vote from Simon! WTF???
I’m sure it’s just the first of many head-scratching nights to come. Did you see anyone you thought is a real contender? Did seeing bikini girl kiss Ryan Seacrest turn your stomach as well? Are you ready for Kansas City next?