Knight of the Iguana
Original Air Date: Oct 8th, 2008
EV- TwoCents Reviewer
SURF’S UP, DUDE! Seriously, it is…well, at least it is in the new episode of Knight Rider. So, basically in this episode, Mike and Co. are called in to investigate the disappearance of a federal agent who was investigating a terrorist cell down south of the border.
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[photo: Adam Taylor/NBC]
Knight Rider
ReplyDeleteKnight of the Iguana
Original Air Date: Oct 8th, 2008
EV- TwoCents Reviewer
SURF’S UP, DUDE! Seriously, it is…well, at least it is in the new episode of Knight Rider. So, basically in this episode, Mike and Co. are called in to investigate the disappearance of a federal agent who was investigating a terrorist cell down south of the border.
Mexico, baby! Well, actually Baja, but…still. The agent’s name is Nicholas Turner, codenamed Iguana. The terrorist cell members are unknown at first and so is their motives and weapons of choice, but that changes real fast, believe you me.
So, Mike gears up to go down south to Baja, known for its surfing, which means he’ll probably have to surf. Ha. That’s funny…especially since Mike appears to have a fear of water (he was given a swirly in the eight grade by a school bully…).
So…looks like Sarah will be tagging along again. No? Yeah, no. This time, Mike’s gal pal…is Zoe. Yeah. Zoe. You have to understand. Zoe…is Zoe. She’s, well, out there at times. I mean, she’s pretty, smart, speaks nine languages, surfs…but, she’s just...y’know. Sarah doesn’t like the idea of her going…jealous much?
Anyways, it turns out that this Agent Turner has a small tracking device in his wrist, but the signal has been too weak to track and at times, absent all together.
Mike and Zoe have the cover of a honeymooning couple, with the cover names of Devon and Bonnie. In the original Knight Rider series, the characters of Devon Miles and Bonnie Barstow were instrumental to the first Michael Knight and KITT’s mission.
Anyways, Mike and Zoe head out and down south of the border, were it’s all fun in the sun. Mike doesn’t want this little…outing with Zoe to…go too far. They’re on a mission together, with the cover of a honeymooning couple. Just keep the cover…and DON’T let Zoe have tequila.
The “couple” and KITT, go looking for the missing agent and his tracking signal. They find it…in a jeep…that’s moving. They follow the jeep to a cliff. On said cliff…guys with bandanas around their faces jump out and starting shooting at KITT. Oh joy. Then, one of them pulls out a rocket launcher. Oh crap. And he fires the rocket. BOOM!
You’re kidding me, right. That jerk did NOT just blow up KITT. No way! KITT has boat mode?! Darn right! The rocket had pushed KITT over the cliff and into the water. He’s perfectly fine, of course, just a little wet.
So, pulling a total James Bond from “Moonraker” move, KITT pulls back up onto the beach. Course, there’s a kid playing in the sand right there, going, “Awesome!”
So, they’ve lost the signal again and are back to square one. They try the old-fashioned technique of showing people a picture of Agent Turner. No one’s seen him, of course…but it appears Mike has ticked off the local beach bullies…since he’s an outsider, on “their” beach…
Mike is a tad outnumbered, even for his skill level, when rescue comes in the form of another guy, by the name of Skyler. Helps Mike beat the guys up, and gets a beer for it, after seeing Mike’s gal pal Zoe, of course…he wasn’t interested in the beer until then…hound dog.
So, seems this Skyler dude did some tours in Iraq too…it’s a small world, ain’t it? He likes his freedom in the US, but Mexico is so much more…he likes money too. Might be able to get Mike some too. Meet tomorrow on the beach for some surf and talk? Yeah, why not. Let’s get drunk first, shall we. How about some…tequila?
Oh snap…yeah, you know where this is going. But first, they run Skyler’s prints through AFIS a la beer bottle. He and his team were explosives experts in Iraq, before all of them were dishonorable discharged. I…think, ya’ll have found the terrorist cell…
Then…yeah. Mike probably should have stuck his guns…especially when Sarah and Billy show up in the hotel with a new tracker system for KITT. Sarah sees the situation…doesn’t seem too bothered by it…
Mike then meets Skyler at the beach. He takes Mike out to the dangerous North Beach where they talk, waves crashing around them. Mike learns that Skyler will do anything for money…after that, Skyler promptly punches him in the face and leaves him to be swallowed up by a wave. Billy and Sarah are back in KITT, who has picked up Agent Turner’s tracking signal again. They decide to follow it. Sarah driving KITT?
Meanwhile Zoe finds a waterlogged Mike, while Billy and Sarah have found the Agent in a mobile home out in the middle of no where…appears Skyler is there too…since he’s the head of this whole thing.
Somehow, Billy is persuaded to do some snooping around the mobile home. Looks like they have the K-17 Cobra missile. A smart missile and it’s Knight Industrious technology.
The baddies have your techno stuff…great. Mike and the gang, who had headed back to the KittCave, have to get back out…and both Sarah and Zoe want to go along. KITT only has room for two people while in Attack Mode…
They follow the signal and find the mobile right on a cliff overlooking a nuclear plant. Appears Skyler and gang, including the agent, plan on blowing it up for money. Mike sneaks around and beats everyone up but Skyler fires a Cobra at the plant and KITT uses his disruptor to turn the missile around…and straight at Mike. Mike dives for cover…just as the missile hits the mobile and kills Skyler in the process. Mike’s ok, of course…and its another job well done.
Yeah, more like an awesome job well done! Another great episode. It successfully fulfilled the fangirl in me and that’s what I like. Next week looks even better…so, yeah. My TwoCents on the matter. How about yours?