Original Air Date: Oct 28, 2008
Shannon – TwoCents Staff Writer
Cuddy’s getting a baby! House is not happy about it! Welcome back, Wilson, enjoy your two minutes of screen time! Here’s a guy who sleepwalks a lot! What’s his deal? Excited to find out? Me too!
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[photo: Greg Gayne/FOX]
Original Air Date: Oct 28, 2008
Shannon – TwoCents Staff Writer
Cuddy’s getting a baby! House is not happy about it! Welcome back, Wilson, enjoy your two minutes of screen time! Here’s a guy who sleepwalks a lot! What’s his deal? Excited to find out? Me too!
Jerry Harmon has blackouts. Like, day-long blackouts. His daughter is a weird kid and neither he, nor his daughter, ever smiles. Mom was killed in an accident and they live in the starkest apartment I have ever seen. Beige looks at that apartment and says, “How about a little color, seriously?”
After Jerry starts declining (sweating blood, kidney failure) his daughter follows suit and it turns out she’s sleepwalking too. House figures out that they are not Caucasian people and their real name is not Harmon. Daddy Harmon fesses up to their being of Iraqi descent. House diagnoses them with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Apparently, they cannot feel pleasure. That would explain the lack of smiles and the lack of color in their lives and apartment, the lack of friends.
So…Cuddy’s baby. Well, Becca is the baby mama and she used to do meth, but stopped once she found out she was pregnant. Cuddy meets her in a café and notices a rash on Becca’s arm and wants her checked out. Cameron does so and says it’s just heat rash but Cuddy wants a full fetal workup. An ultrasound shows that the baby’s lungs are underdeveloped for her age. Becca then starts bleeding due to a placental abruption so Cuddy has to make the decision whether to risk the baby’s life with an early delivery or risk Becca’s life by not delivering the baby. Becca makes the choice for her by choosing to deliver the baby.
Chase, the only surgeon in the hospital, delivers the baby via c-section and Cuddy pleads with Baby Joy to cry. Baby Joy does cry. Yay! That was a very tense moment for me, as a mother. When you’re delivering your baby all you wait for is that first cry to let you know everything’s ok.
During the day, House has been railing on Cuddy and basically telling her she’d make a sucky mother. Cuddy, being the pushover she is, just takes it from him. I’d have punched him, but that’s just me. Or kicked him in the knee, maybe.
Uh oh. Becca decides she wants to keep the baby after all. Poor Cuddy. Cuddy went and bought a Stokke bassinet and everything. Have you seen how much those things cost? It’s ridiculous.
House shows up at Cuddy’s door as she’s brooding over losing the baby. Not that I blame her. Cuddy finally confronts him about his being a jerk and then they start making out. Heyyy! Maybe Cuddy will get her baby after all. Aw…House leaves. Guess no baby for Cuddy tonight.
I really wanted Cuddy to get her baby. I really wanted to kick House in the knee for being a jerk to Cuddy. I also really would have thought that Wilson would have gotten way more screen time than he did since they just brought him back. Care to share? Leave a comment!
This was one night where House's patient was SO beside the point ~ it was an interesting change. Unlike those first person camera shots, can we petition to loose those? Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI knew something was going to screw up with the adoption, it just wouldn't be drama if it didn't. Like Bonanza, no one ever gets married - Cuddy ain't gettin' that kid. I did think the writer's reasoning for having Bio-Mom keep the kid was screwy though ... "I'm a screw up & have nothing but when I saw the pure joy on your face holding that baby, that's when I knew I wanted that too." HUH?!
And the kiss ... Hubs said it was like watching your parents kiss, I was too busy having an aneurism to notice. WTH?!!! 1. Dude House can KISS!! 2. WTH?!! 3. He has Got. To. Stop. screwing with her brain already! First she would be a crappy mom, then she would be a great mom ~ you're quitting adoption just like you quit IVF (3 tries at $15,000+ a pop, I would have quit that one too) .... I would have beaten him with his own cane. Did you see the preview for next week? ROTFLMBO ~ "I kind of hit that last night"
I so wanted to be Lisa Edelstein last night.
ReplyDeleteI guess I kind of get where the bio-mom was coming from, but I just can't see detaching myself so much from the baby and then just snatching it away like that. My heart just broke for Cuddy.
As far as I'm concerned, they could have cut out all the parts that dealt with the patient of the week and focused on Cuddy's adoption. But then again, I'm a mom and that hits pretty close to home with me. And House fiddling with her brain like that was just wrong, but it's House so how can we expect better?
I can't wait for the next episode, but if I'm not mistaken, it's in two weeks. World Series time again.
I'm withe the knee kicking also. But House is always nasty to Cuddy and maybe he knows Cuddy's going to get torn between her children - House, the hospital and the kid - all three full time jobs.