“Safe and Sound”
Original Air Date: 9/22/2008
Tom R - TwoCents Staff Writer
Watching the look on Michael’s face as he dismantles an Etch-a-Sketch restores my faith in the show. Well, that and Bagwell’s twisted comparison of himself to a leprechaun. And with Heroes moved to 9 PM for a head-to-head matchup, it’s a pretty good argument for investing in a DVR.
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[photo: Greg Gayne/FOX]
Prison Break
ReplyDelete“Safe and Sound”
Original Air Date: 9/22/2008
Tom R - TwoCents Staff Writer
Watching the look on Michael’s face as he dismantles an Etch-a-Sketch restores my faith in the show. Well, that and Bagwell’s twisted comparison of himself to a leprechaun. And with Heroes moved to 9 PM for a head-to-head matchup, it’s a pretty good argument for investing in a DVR.
As Sara dashes across the freeway to avoid Wyatt, Self arrives at the HQ. As he tells Michael the video people need more time, he recognizes Griffin Oren as the third cardholder. Griffin is the head of the US Treasury’s LA bureau. Risking jail time himself, Self (that had to happen sooner or later) meets with Oren, giving him a phony story and using Roland’s DBH to get an idea where the card might be. After getting the plans for the building, the safe and the security checkpoints, Michael begins his plan, which involves getting to the safe’s back wall, which is behind the wall of a separate employee. They enter through the parking structure. Sucre and Bellick dress as janitors, while Linc and Michael climb through the vents. Self takes the man to lunch. Sucre and Bellick clean the carpet in front of the office, drowning out the drill. Linc notices Michael’s nose bleeding and refers to past incidents. Michael urges him not to tell Sara. As they begin downloading the Scylla info, the General arrives to visit Oren. He asks to see Oren’s card. Michael manages to transfer the last of the data and reseal the wall just as Oren opens the other side. The General tells Oren that everyone is to carry the card with them at all times.
After meeting his wife, Mahone starts to track Wyatt, moving backward from when and where Sara’s card was swiped. When Sara ID’s Wyatt, Michael knows what they’re up against. Roland narrows down the possible list of hotels, targeting places without valet parking or credit card requirements. Wyatt pays off the desk clerk. When Mahone arrives, the clerk tells him Wyatt has checked out. Mahone goes to see the room, and the minute he is out of sight the clerk calls Wyatt. But in mid-call, he hears Mahone’s gun click and cuts the call short.
At GATE, Bagwell is further interrogated by his suspicious coworker Andy. A spill of his tea with lemon falls on the bird book, revealing more clues. Bellick and Sucre are canvassing the downtown area for Bagwell, but the receptionist at Gate covers for him, then attempts to blackmail him. Xing’s boss arrives looking for Scylla, which is two days late. His ultimatum to Bagwell is a 50% payment if Scylla is delivered tomorrow, 25% in two days time. After three days, he is dead. The receptionist, meanwhile, looks at Bellick’s number and may be reconsidering her arrangement.
Sara notices a connection between Lisa Tabak and Griffin Oren regarding southeast Asia. She scans news reports for stories on Laos, discovering a high death toll and financial distress. Self’s people come up with detailed info on two of the three cardholders, but nothing on the General.
Wyatt uses a form of aromatherapy to torture Gretchen further. But when he is away and his associate takes over, Gretchen kills him and escapes. Told of this, the General is confident that “she’ll come home.” He then gets word that Self has received an image of him.
Well…my two cents is on the table…Let’s hear what you think. Drop them in the comments or drop me a line at: tom@thetwocents.com .