“A Knight In Shining Armor”
Original Air Date: Sept 24th, 2008
EV - Two Cents Reviewer
So, Knight Rider. I’ve been waiting for this show for ages, so now that it’s here? I will attempt to coherently describe it for you…
Mike Tracuer is at a very glamorous cocktail party, at a foreign consulate, with a pretty girl on his arm.
A few…suspicious looking characters are hanging around…mostly watching Mike’s every move. Mike is watching one of them, a bald-headed man who has a metal briefcase in hand.
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[photo: Paul Drinkwater/NBC]
Knight Rider
ReplyDelete“A Knight In Shining Armor”
Original Air Date: Sept 24th, 2008
EV - Two Cents Reviewer
So, Knight Rider. I’ve been waiting for this show for ages, so now that it’s here? I will attempt to coherently describe it for you…
Mike Tracuer is at a very glamorous cocktail party, at a foreign consulate, with a pretty girl on his arm.
A few…suspicious looking characters are hanging around…mostly watching Mike’s every move. Mike is watching one of them, a bald-headed man who has a metal briefcase in hand.
He leaves the pretty hanger-on and whispers that he has the package in-sight, but Sarah, his kick-ass scientist girlfriend doesn’t answer. Outside, KITT, or the Knight Industries Three Thousand, locates her in a vault room.
Meanwhile, Sarah finishes up transferring some files onto a drive and then stuffs it in her bra. Nice.
Unfortunately, a group of armed man charge in on her. Their leader, Jackson, demands to know where Mike is…but Mike himself is having a little trouble downstairs, when security apprehends him, not to mention having lost sight of the package already.
Mike has to fight his way out of apprehension and asks KITT to direct him to Sarah.
Meanwhile, Jackson has a honking needle full of nasty looking green stuff, which he plans to give to Sarah. Ouch. No thanks.
While all this is happening inside, KITT is having his own problems in the parking lot. Security has found him and clearly plan on detaining him.
KITT transforms into Attack mode-more or less his “angry” state- and escapes. Mike finally makes it to the vault room just in the nick of time. Jackson clearly knows Mike, but Mike doesn’t remember him, at all. Ok, deal with the memory issues later…just get the hell out of there!
Mike subdues Jackson and Co. and he and Sarah crawl around the bottom-most levels of the consultant, eventually climbing out a grate on the outside. KITT is still being pursued, only it’s by a helicopter now.
He races towards Mike and Sarah and goes through yet another transformation…into an F-150 pick-up truck!
The two jump into the truck bed and KITT glides back into his normal state. Things go from bad to worse when the helicopter fires a heat-seeking missile. Mike orders KITT to fire some flares in an attempt to warn the missile off, but it does no good. The missile? It’s locked onto Mike’s body heat signature.
The missile impacts and KITT is covered in flames, the fuel attaching itself to KITT’s outer skin, which he can’t shed. Darn.
KITT reassures Mike and Sarah that he as relayed their situation to Sarah’s father Dr. Graiman.
Back at home base, Billy Morgan, the head Tech guy, seems to think that if KITT can get up to 377 mph, the fire will go out.
Back in KITT, things are getting extremely hot and Sarah and Mike need a real solution, pronto or they will die a fiery death. Might as well try it…
It doesn’t work. Dr. Graiman makes the decision to bring KITT in hot…but they will have to suck at the air out of the tunnel entrance, in order to put the fire out.
KITT needs all the available power to keep Sarah and Mike alive as they attempt to make this final effort to put the fire out, but Torres insists Sarah uploads the files she stole. She uploads them…but the heat becomes too great and both Mike and Sarah pass out.
KITT arrives in the tunnel and all the air is sucked out to kill the fire. Success! Sarah and Mike are pulled from him and revived, with KITT himself hardly scathed.
But, Mike didn’t come back with the package, and FBI Agent Carrie Revai isn’t too happy about that…and Mike isn’t happy that it appeared that Jackson appeared to be waiting for him.
Sarah asks Mike if perhaps Jackson knew him from Iraq, but Mike can’t remember. This is all put aside when word comes that the package is on the move again. A scramble is put forth in order to get the plane ready.
On said plane, Carrie gives Mike his mission: get the package and get back to the plane ASAP.
He and KITT go after their target and they find the “package”, which is the bald man from the consulate, hiding under a bridge. His name is Jay Hunt.
Suddenly a beautiful woman in a hot sports car charges in. It appears the woman, Kelli, knows Mike, but Mike sure as hell doesn’t know her.
Kelli grabs Hunt, shoves him into her car and tears off down the road. KITT and Mike follow in hot pursuit.
While amidst the pursuit, KITT finds a video feed of Mike kissing Kelli in a café in Beirut. Mike swears he’s never been to Beirut and that he doesn’t know Kelli.
Realizing that Sarah is most likely watching the feed too, he requests that KITT get them a private line.
Sarah tells him that, right before he stopped calling her, he had asked her to marry him. She had said yes, but then Mike disappeared for three years, leaving Sarah to believe that he had been killed in Iraq.
The time stamp on the video matches the time in which Mike had called Sarah and proposed to her but Mike doesn’t remember ever proposing.
Mike then orders KITT to zoom in on Kelli’s car. He hears Hunt tell Kelli that he has shaved his entire body and exfoliates every four hours, so she can’t get his precious DNA, which is the key to an unbreakable code of his own design.
Kelli pulls out a knife, cuts his thumb off and shoves him out of the moving car. Mike and KITT come in for the rescue and Torres, along with Hunt, insist that they get that thumb back.
Um, sure? Mike then grabs Hunt’s injured hand and shoves it into KITT’s glove compartment, where KITT administers first aid.
Kelli disappears into a subway station and KITT is unable to track her. Transforming into the pick-up truck again, KITT roars down the subway tracks, where Mike climbs into the truck bed and leaps onto the platform.
Mike catches Kelli and snatches the jar in which the thumb is being kept. Then, out of the blue, Agent Revai shows up…and shoots Mike in the chest. He goes down, the jar smashing.
Mike Tracuer is dead?
Mike wakes up, confused but otherwise alright, to find himself back in the plane. Agent Revai explains that Mike’s past was interfering too much with the present and the only way to fix that, was if she convinced the world that Mike Tracuer was dead. With him “reborn”, they might be able to find out what happen to him in Iraq.
Back at HQ, Torres is examining the thumb, while Dr. Graiman watches. He warns Torres that one day, Mike will remember everything and when he does, he’ll come after him. Torres will just have to make sure Mike never remembers.
Meanwhile, Mike meets up with Sarah and decides to start fresh with her. He reintroduces himself…as Michael Knight.
That’s my Two Cents. What do you think?