Monday, July 7, 2008

"Popular" Summer DVD Review - "Truth of Consequences"

"Truth or Consequences"

Season 1 episode #6

Karen - Twocents Reviewer

This episode starts with Brooke and Sam covered with food in the cafeteria. They talk about how much they hate each other and then explain how the food fight started.

Monday: Sam is talking to her mom about the relationship Jane has with Mike.
Brooke talks to her dad about Jane and promise there will be no more secrets about the relationship.
Poppy, Nicole and Mary Cherry plan on cheating on the bio-midterm by stealing the test. Sam overhears them talking.

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  1. Popular
    "Truth or Consequences"

    Season 1 episode #6

    Karen - Twocents Reviewer

    This episode starts with Brooke and Sam covered with food in the cafeteria. They talk about how much they hate each other and then explain how the food fight started.

    Monday: Sam is talking to her mom about the relationship Jane has with Mike.
    Brooke talks to her dad about Jane and promise there will be no more secrets about the relationship.
    Poppy, Nicole and Mary Cherry plan on cheating on the bio-midterm by stealing the test. Sam overhears them talking.

    Wednesday: Test Day!

    Thursday: So it seems the "popular's" all got good grades on their test. While the "browns" did not do all that well, which in turn throws the curve off! Ooooh how Sam is mad!! Sam decides to put a tape recorder on Harrison to try to get Sugar or Josh to admit they cheated. Harrison does this by joining them on the golf course. He agrees to caddy for them at their country club but he doesn't want to . (He can't stand they way they act like they are more privileged then he) Harrison gives some pointers that help the guys game and they react positively and start to like Harrison. Sugar admits he cheated but Josh didn't and Josh is disappointed in Sugar. He tells Sugar not to do it again cause he could get kicked off the team. Harrison admires this virtue and starts to bond with Josh and Sugar. But he has the confession on tape.

    Friday: Sam asks Harrison if he has the tape, he says "no" and that she should just leave it alone, but after he leaves she takes it from his locker.

    Monday: Sam goes to Mr. Grant with proof of the cheating,but she wants to talk to her source (Harrison) first. When she approaches Harrison, he is talking to Josh and Sugar and doesn't want to talk to her right now. So she plans to go through with the story. She runs into Brooke in the "Novak" and they start talking about their parents and Brooke admits she looked at the test. Sam asks why she is telling her this, Brooke figures that if anybody would understand what she is going through at home ...Sam would. So Sam decides not to run the article. But it was too late....the article already went to press and oh boy, something is going to hit the fan!!

    Tuesday (Bloody Tuesday): The paper comes out with headline; "Bio cheating scandal exposed"
    Everyone is mad at Sam, even Harrison, because now Sugar & Josh are mad at him and Harrison was liking to have some guy friends.
    Brooke is mad because she thinks Sam set her up. Nicole stands up and takes the blame, and her punishment is she cannot run for homecoming.

    So while in the cafeteria, Sam and Harrison are arguing and quickly a food fight starts. Now everyone is food fighting! Oh what a mess!
    Which brings us to our opening scene. The parents show up and promise to be more open about the relationship, and then decide they are going to move in together. This doesn't go well with the girls!

    Well I hoped you watched this and tell me what you think of the episode. Did you think Sam was wrong to tape Josh and Sugar? Did you feel sorry for Harrison?
    Let me know your two cents.

    Next week I start season 2
    "Ur-ine Trouble"

    thanks for listening (reading)


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