Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"How I Met Your Mother" Recap & Review - "Ten Sessions"

How I Met Your Mother
“Ten Sessions”

Original Air Date: March 24, 2008

Rachel – TwoCents Staff Writer

Yes Britney Spears was a guest star. And yes, she did a good job. The girl does have some talent, remember. We all loved her once upon a time. It helps that the character of Abby was a bit of a wack-a-doo. But what the promos failed to promote (thus the failure to live up to the name “promos”) was that Sarah Chalke (Scrubs) was also a guest star in a much larger role and that she did a damn good job.

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  1. How I Met Your Mother
    “Ten Sessions”

    Original Air Date: March 24, 2008

    Rachel – Two Cents Staff Writer

    Yes Britney Spears was a guest star. And yes, she did a good job. The girl does have some talent, remember. We all loved her once upon a time. It helps that the character of Abby was a bit of a wack-a-doo. But what the promos failed to promote (thus the failure to live up to the name “promos”) was that Sarah Chalke (Scrubs) was also a guest star in a much larger role and that she did a damn good job.

    In “Ten Sessions,” we follow Ted through ten weeks of treatment to get rid of that pesky butterfly tattoo from an earlier episode with yet another great comedic actress Mandy Moore (feel free to insert weird Zack Braff tie-ins from both episodes here). Ted meets Stella (Chalke) a dermatologist that he is determined to date. After a fake date (he thought it was real until she showed up with several girlfriends), he asks her out officially only to discover that (1) she doesn’t date patients and (2) when he is no longer her patient in ten weeks, she’ll still say “No.” That word has never stopped Ted before, now has it?

    So each session, he tries to woo her. He is funny and charming; he finds out her likes and dislikes and makes them his own; he even reads a self-help book he believes is hers so they will have something to talk about (it is actually Marshall’s book, but it’s a long story). All the pitching woo results in nothing. She say’s she will still say “No” if he asks her out at the end of the ten weeks. Finally, he has a genius plan: he will get to her through her receptionist who she cares for a great deal. Problem is, the receptionist (Abby played by Spears) misinterprets his kindness for flirting and falls head over crazy stalker heels.

    At the end of the ten weeks (and his butterfly tattoo), Ted finally and officially asks Stella out, to which she replies “I have a daughter.” It seems that all free time belongs to the kid and that there is no place for dating in her life. She confesses that she has only gone to one party all year (on St. Patrick’s Day) but left early. Hey, wait a minute… we know she is A mother, but could she be THE mother? Hmmmm…

    Remember how Ted is pesky and determined? Well, he insists on taking Stella out on her two-minute lunch break. You head me… two minutes. They go to dinner, a movie, have dessert, and even a kiss on a doorstep, all in two very well-orchestrated minutes. Ted leaves her with the option to call him if ever her life settles down and she finds room for dating. She promises she will.

    This was a very tight, solid episode with two really good guest spots. I hope this signals a turn-around in poor little Britney’s life, and continued success in the life of everyone’s favorite Becky Conner, Sarah Chalke.

  2. ...dary. Sorry - I forgot to finish that word from my last post. :)

  3. I thought Spears stunk in this! And how she got rave reviews..is beyond me!


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