"Beatles (Lennon/McCartney) Theme Night"
Original Air Date: March 11, 2008
Janelle - TwoCents Staff Writer
Hello fellow American Idol fans!
I must start off this post letting you know that my DVR must not like American Idol as much as I do. It decided it wanted me to watch The Biggest Loser more than American Idol. I caught this tricky move my DVR was making a little late- an hour and 8 minutes late to be exact. This means of course I missed the entire first hour- but I didn’t miss much, but we will get to that a little later.
So, let's join American Idol already in progress…
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American Idol - Top 12
ReplyDelete"Beatles (Lennon/McCartney) Theme Night"
Original Air Date: March 11, 2008
Janelle - TwoCents Staff Writer
Hello fellow American Idol fans!
I must start off this post letting you know that my DVR must not like American Idol as much as I do. It decided it wanted me to watch The Biggest Loser more than American Idol. I caught this tricky move my DVR was making a little late- an hour and 8 minutes late to be exact. This means of course I missed the entire first hour- but I didn’t miss much, but we will get to that a little later.
So, let's join American Idol already in progress…
I turn it on just a Brooke is getting judged by the judges. Whatever she did it must have been wonderful because the judges and Simon just loved what she did. Sorry I missed it!
David Hernandez is the first contestant I actually get to see. He tells us that he is from the hometown of Jordan Sparks. Yay! He worked at a Pizza place at night and went to collage during the day. Yay! He tells us that he is going to sing, “I saw her standing there.”
At this moment I realize that it is Beatles Week. I do not care too much for the Beatles. Please! Please! Stop throwing things at me. I promise I am an American. Hey! That tomato hurt my eye…STOP THROWING THINGS AT ME! Don’t hate me because I don’t care for the Beatles. I didn’t say I hated them and wanted to have a Beatles Album burning party, I am just not a fan. Oh, stop your “booing.”
ANYway, back to David. He is jumping around the stage- oh yeah! It’s the BIG stage!!- He is just going crazy and signing like a madman. I do not care for this one bit.
Randy: The song was overdone. He was lost.
Paula: Overdid it.
Simon: No, no, no.
Janelle: David, you might want to pack your bags just in case.
Crazy black and blonde hair Amanda is up next. She lets us know that she is going to sing, “You can’t do that.”
She is good; she had a very unique voice. Much like Janis Joplin. Almost exactly like Janis Joplin the more I hear it. She should have a record deal and have her sound out there, but American Idol isn’t the best platform for her style. But she did really well on stage. She seemed very relaxed and comfortable with herself.
Randy: Rocked it out!
Paula: You are a star.
Simon: Didn’t think it was as good as last week.
Janelle: I think she will be a star, just not by winning AI.
Michael is next and he tells us that part time he is a tennis coach and does what he can to make ends meet. He tells that he is going to sing, “Across the Universe.” He lets us know that this song helped him through a really tough family time. He was really good! I actually listened to the song the entire way through, which you know is a big deal- that really does mean something! I’m not going to rush and download his version or anything, but he did well.
Randy: Could have taken it to the next level.
Paula: Disagrees with Randy.
Simon: Agrees with Randy.
Janelle: Well, I like it and really isn’t that all that matters?
A young blonde hair girl is up next- I am sorry I didn’t write down her name. She is going to sing “8 Days a Week” country style and hopes to impress Simon.
Well, she sings it country style alright! Whatever she is doing is a big hot mess! This song I actually know and she is turning it into some crazy mess!!
Randy: She was trying to hard. He is torn on this one.
Paula: Didn’t enjoy it.
Simon: Horrendous
Janelle: I am not torn. NEVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN! I would pack my bags if I were you.
Next up is the young David guy. I love David! David is my favorite male and Carly is my favorite female. David is talking and all I hear is, “blah, blah, blah..” I just want to hear him sing.
He sings, “We Can Work it Out.”
From the first note I can tell David isn’t going to be too hot this week. He then proves me right by forgetting the words not once but twice that I caught. I am not familiar with this song so he may have messed up more and I just didn’t catch it. But he did not do well – not at all.
Randy: Not on Point.
Paula: It wasn’t his best week.
Simon: It was a mess.
Janelle: No worries David, America loves you and will let this one slide. You will be fine.
Ok, for the recap and what I missed the first hour:
Syesha sings a song I don’t know. I am telling you, I am not a Beatles fan and don’t know many of their songs. But she does ok, but no way is she going to win AI this season.
Ramiele sings “In My Life.” She does ok, but I don’t think I would have listened to the entire song had I had the chance. Again, she isn’t going to win this season.
Jason with dreadlocks is next and sings some song with his guitar and it’s a hot mess. I think he needs to go and go soon.
Carly (aka My favorite even over young baby David) sings “Come Together.” I don’t know too many Beatles songs, but this one I do know and like. Carly ROCKS! I love this girl. My money is on her to take the whole thing. I look at her like I did Carrie Underwood from a few seasons back. You know Carrie, she is a mega country music star…yeah, I knew she would be – I have a talent for picking out stars, what can I say, it’s a gift from God.
Rocker David is up next and whatever the heck he is singing; he is rocking it out hard!
Then we get to Brooke – we already know what the judges had to say and now I know why. She sang, ‘Let it Be” while playing the piano. SHE WAS WONDEFUL!
If I had to pick my top three it would be:
1) Carly
2) Young Baby David
3) Brooke
Well, that’s all I have for you tonight. If you want to hear me rant and rave about even more topics near and dear to my heart, stop by my blog at www.junkfood4thesoul.com. See you next time!
Carly did rock it - and hard! She was great. And I loved Brooke, too. You could really feel it. But I'm sorry you missed Chikezie's performance - he was freakin' awesome, and I didn't like him at all before.