"The Hanged Man"
Original Airdate 12/17/07
Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer
Best. Episode. Ever.
This week’s episode was the best yet and I hope many, many of you turned in to view. NBC made their decision to not pick up the remaining nine episodes after last week’s poor performance with no Heroes lead-in.
Dan is playing with his fancy new digital camera. Katie is getting dressed after a shower. Things start to get romantic and Katie is even posing for some sexy pictures. They rush to close the bedroom door (they don’t want Zack to hear them) and Katie jumps under the covers as she slides across the bed to embrace Dan he’s gone.
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ReplyDelete"The Hanged Man"
Original Airdate 12/17/07
Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer
Best. Episode. Ever.
This week’s episode was the best yet and I hope many, many of you turned in to view. NBC made their decision to not pick up the remaining nine episodes after last week’s poor performance with no Heroes lead-in.
Dan is playing with his fancy new digital camera. Katie is getting dressed after a shower. Things start to get romantic and Katie is even posing for some sexy pictures. They rush to close the bedroom door (they don’t want Zack to hear them) and Katie jumps under the covers as she slides across the bed to embrace Dan he’s gone.
This time it’s a wild ride and he ends up in the back of an RV that just crashed and is about to topple off a cliff. He helps the woman driver and her son get out of the back of the RV just before it starts to fall. He also drops his fancy digital camera and the RV goes off the cliff sending Dan spinning but not off the cliff. He rolls down the stairs at the San Francisco Register. Hugh, his editor, suggests he take the elevator if he can’t handle the stairs.
Later that evening, there’s a dinner party to celebrate the arrival of Katie’s sister. She’s flying in from Hong Kong to visit. Just when we finally get Jack onboard with the whole time travel thing they bring in someone else who doesn’t know Dan’s secret. Jack wants to tell Dan about Dr. McCutie being preggers but he can’t find the right moment and all Dan wants to talk about is Jack using his police connections to find out more about the FBI agent who was killed while he was investigating Dan’s time traveling. The guests are all about to sit down for dinner, but Dan isn’t going to make it. He’s back in the past.
This time it’s the early 80s and Dan and Livia are inside a Silicon Valley computer company. Dan spots the woman he rescued from the RV in a big meeting with the computer company’s head of security. The security woman is giving everyone in the meeting the lowdown on corporate espionage. After the meeting Dan greets the woman and she wonders how he got in their RV right after the accident like that. Dan tells her that he just happened along and saw the RV about to go over the cliff to he jumped in to help.
Back in modern day, the dinner party is getting a little uncomfortable Katie’s sister is kind of a snob and she obviously doesn’t like Jack. She makes no bones about that fact either, even though Dr. McCutie is sitting right there.
Back in the 80s, Livia and Dan spot the boy from the RV in a computer lab talking with a technician about Dan’s digital camera. They’ve never seen anything so advanced and everyone thinks it must be some sort of Japanese prototype. Livia warns Dan about leaving modern technology in the past and the consequences that could pose to the future and Dan tries to get the camera back, but the security woman throws Dan and Livia out and returns the camera to the boy.
Dan arrives home back in the present and kisses Katie, he turns to look for Zack coming down the stairs, but a little girl descends and says “goodnight, daddy.” Zack isn’t just gone; he never existed. Dan, you’ve gone and done it now. The Vassers have a child, but the child’s name is Caroline. Dan questions her and she remembers everything just like always except she has no memory of their son and only knows this life with their daughter Caroline. Dan reminds her about the night Zack was conceived, but Katie remembers things differently. She and Dan didn’t leave a baseball game and go home and conceive Zack. She remembers Dan leaving to go into work because the new computers they just got had crashed and the editors needed Dan to rewrite the stories that were lost. Dan vows to get his son back somehow, but Katie doesn’t want him to mess with anything. She has no memory of Zack so why would she want him to?
The next day at the paper, there is all manor of crazy technology all over the office. There’s a paper-thin video display unit of some kind and the computers all have those fancy futuristic video displays that are like holograms.
Back home, Katie’s sister wants her to talk to her friend the psychic to help her deal with all the stress she’s been going through. A psychic? Really?
Dan starts Googling the woman and her son from the RV and finds out that the boy is missing and assumed dead. His mother is still alive and Dan calls her and asks her to come meet him.
Jack uses his contacts to snoop through the FBI guys files and finds a picture of Dan as a young boy at a NASA facility. There’s a man with his arm around the young Dan and that man is Elliot Langley (remember him? He’s the scientist who called Jack in the present and in the past and talked to him about his time travel under the ruse of Dan’s fiction novel he was supposedly working on).
The RV woman shows up and she’s blind. She tells Dan about her son’s disappearance. Dan can relate. He’s got a son of his own who has disappeared. The woman had been losing her sight for years and has finally gone blind. Her poor vision was what caused the RV accident where they met in the first place.
Katie and her sister are getting a tarot card reading from the psychic. Of course the last card is the hanged man, hence the title. That’s bad news for some reason. Dan comes home and walks in on the reading. The psychic freaks out and she’s getting a really strong feeling from Dan. She tells him he’s looking for something. He’s looking for something small that he’s lost. She tells Dan that he is looking for Zack, and I know this is just a television show, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t get chills.
Jack shows up with the photo and Dan recognizes Langley in the photo, which was taken by Dan and Jack’s father when Dan was a child.
Dan jumps back to the past again and Livia is there waiting for him. They are outside of the computer company -- which was the last place the boy was seen before he disappeared. They are certain that someone killed him to get Dan’s camera and they go in to try and save him and get the camera back to try to restore Dan’s life to normal.
Back in the present Jack and Katie’s sister share a drink and she lays all her cards on the table about why she doesn’t like him. He hurt Katie. Jack tells her that his girlfriend is pregnant and they have a bonding moment.
In 1984, they spot the boy and he tells them he’s selling the camera to someone for $10,000 to try and get health insurance so his mother won’t go blind. Dan and Livia grab for the camera, but the security lady shows up and she’s got a gun. She’s the one who’s been planning on getting the camera and killing the kid. Dan and Livia take the camera and make a break for it. The security woman tells her officers to chase them outside the building where there are no cameras and kill them and get that camera back. Dan and Livia run for it and Dan destroys the camera. They hide behind a truck, but they are surrounded. Dan asks Livia is she’s ever able to control when they leap, but she’s not. Dan thinks that since the camera has been destroyed they’ll leap any second now. The security guards close in on either side of the truck and they open fire but Dan and Livia are gone and the head of security woman is killed in the crossfire.
Dan is back at the paper in modern day and he looks up the boy on his normal looking computer. The boy invented a rental implant that could be, in the future, used to cure blindness.
Katie and her sister talk and Katie finds out that Jack told her sister that Dr. McCutie was pregnant. Katie is hurt that Jack didn’t tell him. Dan comes home and Zack is there this time. Dan hugs the heck out of him and life seems like it’s back to normal. Katie tells Dan that Dr. McCutie is pregnant and Dan worries that he might have caused that with something he did in the past.
The psychic is at the door and she’s got some birth chart she’s done about Dan. He was born during an occurrence called the Joseph Lee Comet. It’s rare and it’s only happened twice in the last 100 years. It happened once when Dan was born and the other time was the day Livia was born in 1923.
Ok, kids, Journeyman hasn’t been “cancelled” officially yet (yet is the operative term). NBC declined to pick up the back nine episodes of the show. That doesn’t mean it’s cancelled. What it does mean is that we’ve got to send those boxes of Rice-A-Roni to:
Jeff Zucker c/o NBC
Re: Journeyman
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
And be sure to visit savejourneyman.net
Send your Rice-A-Roni, people! This shows is getting so good now. It would be a shame to have it cancelled!
What the hell is wrong with people? NBC hoped this would fail. There is no explaining their lack of promotion or support. It is the best drama on television.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. NBC has done very little to promote this show. I don't even think people know that the finale is Wed night instead.